and see your work printed in the magazine, and here on our website!
This section includes artwork submitted (sent to us) by readers, like you! In every issue, Mishou Editor Kayla Ephros creates a new prompt that she hopes will inspire you to make art! A prompt is an idea, questions, or anything that can be used as a starting point for art-making. Kayla’s prompts always include her drawings and writing, to help guide you in your art-making process.
** Please note that submissions chosen to appear in the magazine must be based on the prompt for the forthcoming issue (see below!) **
All submissions will be shown on our website, and some of them will be printed in the magazine! Even if you don’t submit, you can still try them out!
Feel free to explore old prompts and share your work with us for the website, even after the issue has come out.
We can’t wait to see your artwork!!!!!!
If you need help submitting, email us at
Submissions will be posted on the website when the accompanying issue is released. If your work is selected to be in the print magazine, we will contact you directly for your address, so we can send you a copy!
Age: 15 years old or younger
Please Include:
1 or 2 sentences about your artwork (optional)
Artist’s portrait (optional)
Contact information
We encourage the artwork to be scanned or photographed hi-resolution (minimum 300 DPI). We print in the CMYK color model, which can affect the colors slightly. If you do not submit in CMYK, we will edit ourselves if the artwork is chosen to be in the issue.
If you do not have access to a scanner, take a photo in bright, even light. If it is a non-flat artwork (for example: sculpture), please also try your best to take a photo in bright, even light, preferably with a simple, single-color background.
ISSUE 6 PROMPT: Edible Storytelling
Past Submissions
The deadlines to have these prompt printed in the magazine has past,
but if you send us your artwork, we will put it here on the website!
ISSUE 5 PROMPT: Dream Food
For our fifth issue, we asked our readers to create an artwork based on their “Dream Food”. We then tried our best to recreate some of the drawings as real food, and our friend Logan Jackson took photos.Here are some of the fantastical foods that our readers invented.
Flora Zhou, age 8, Los Angeles
Rocco Isaac Flynn, age 7, NYC
“This is green cookie ice cream with a cherry on top and I added a face to make it look cute.” @elladelune
Zazie, age 11, Brooklyn NY
LJ Gallistel, age 13, NYC
“Watercress Ponds”
ISSUE 4 PROMPT: Mystery Puzzle
Issue #4’s theme is MYSTERY. That means riddles, secret codes, spy missions, and more! We invite you to create your own puzzle. Start by making a drawing on the template above. Right click the puzzle template to save it on your computer, and print it out! If you don’t have access to a printer, email us your address and we’ll send it to you! You can also find the printed template in Issue #3, along with other activities and prompts!
“Pool Puzzle” by Eliot (age 7)
I just want them to know it’s imaginary.”
Orion (age 5)
Laila (age 8)
Isla (age 5)
Autumn (age 8)
Chiarra (age 6)
Xavier (age 5)
ISSUE 3 PROMPT: Wind Poems
Poetry is a really great way to explore our feelings through language. Unlike other forms of writing, poems don’t have to explain. Through poetry, we can focus on our senses, and the way the words sound. Just like the weather, our emotions are always changing and moving through cycles. Maybe we can think of a poem as a window into one moment in time.
Writing your wind poem: If you can find a place to sit outside, do that! If not, remember a windy day. What does it smell like? What does it feel like on your skin? What can you see moving? Is the wind making any music? What does it taste like? And what emotions do you feel? Maybe you can start by making a list of words that blow into your mind…
Have you been to a museum before? What did you like about it? What didn’t you like about it? Some art museums have really old artwork, and can teach us a lot about history. Some museums show artwork that is being made today. This is your chance to create your own art museum! You can print out the image, and use the bottom section of the page to cut and paste, draw directly onto the museum walls, or make your own museum room entirely! If you would like to have a printed copy, but do not have access to a printer, email us and we will send it to you in the mail!
ISSUE 1: Stone Soup
In the old folk tale “Stone Soup”, some hungry strangers convince the people of a small town to each share a little bit of their food. All the little bits of food end up making a meal big enough for everyone to eat. If a hungry stranger came to your door, what ingredient would you choose to share? Use your imagination! Maybe, you will invent a new kind of food. Use your favorite art supplies to show us this food item. Remember to include details. What is in the background? Where do you keep the food?